• On social and labour guarantees for the Company’s employees

    LLC New Mining Management Company fulfils all social obligations, labour guarantees and compensations stipulated by the Collective Agreements of the Companies. In particular, the company's employees are provided with a full social package. This includes health improvement vouchers for health resort treatment, and recreation in summer health camps for employees' children. Reimbursement of travel to holiday destinations, compensation for energy resources and much more.

  • Social support for veterans of labour (non-working retirees) of the company

    The company provides recuperation facilities for non-working retirees, which include sanitaria and preventive health centres. Those who have found themselves in difficult life situations are eligible for material assistance. Electricity consumption is compensated for on a partial basis, with those living in private houses provided with rationed coall.

    As part of the Victory Day celebrations, participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers who worked at the enterprises of LLC New Mining Management Company receive material support as a sign of respect and deep appreciation.

    It is a long-standing tradition to present material support to representatives of the older generation and former employees of the Company's enterprises on International Women's Day and Miners' Day. On the eve of Miners' Day, meetings of labour veterans with the heads of the enterprises are held. Pensioners are also given gifts for the New Year.

    Monthly financial aid paid under the Collective Agreement is a significant support for non-working pensioners.

  • The Company’s social partners include educational institutions in the Kemerovo Region.

    The Company implements a range of measures in order to effectively utilise the capabilities of secondary specialized educational and higher educational institutions in preparing students for their future careers. During their studies, students have the opportunity to undertake paid internships as part of their training. The HR Recruitment, Training and Development departments participate in career guidance events organised by educational institutions, such as Career Days and Job Fairs. Young specialists are recruited in collaboration with an employment agency to facilitate the employment of graduates from these educational institutions.

  • Support and development of the cities where the Company's enterprises operate

    The LLC New Mining Management Company is a socially responsible business. It is one of the largest taxpayers in the Kemerovo Region and Russia, and implements social and charitable programmes aimed at improving the living standards of Kuzbass residents.

    As part of its charity programme “Novaya Gornaya: Impulse for Territory Development”, the company contributes to the development of sports, culture and education in the region, as well as to the creation of a comfortable urban environment..

    Furthermore, the company has provided assistance in the reconstruction of a local recreational area, the dam of the Western District, which is a popular leisure spot for the residents of Mezhdurechensk. Additionally, the LLC NMMC has contributed to the improvement of public areas in the 101st District, including yards at the addresses of 50 Let Komsomol Ave.,15 and Vokzalnaya Street, 64. A total of 20 million rubles has been allocated for these purposes. The main city Christmas tree in Vesennaya Square is decorated with a bright LED illumination in the form of a canopy, a gift from the LLC New Mining Management Company to the residents of Mezhdurechensk.

    In Novokuznetsk, the LLC New Mining Management Company has created a new recreation area for residents of the Ordzhonikidze District. The Alley of Young Miners was created on the site of a vacant lot in Radishchev Street. The sculpture, entitled "Grow up with us," depicts a father-miner and his son, Egorka. The name of the new alley was chosen by the residents themselves, including many coal industry workers and representatives of mining dynasties.

  • Charity and Sponsorship

    The LLC New Mining Management Company is a successful and dynamically developing business that is actively engaged in charitable activities. The company has a charity programme titled “Novaya Gornaya: Impulse for Territory Development”.

    The company has contributed to the financing of repair and restoration works at the Salair Palace of Culture, a historical and cultural landmark of regional significance. Additionally, the company has supported the renovation of Orphanage No. 5 “Edinstvo” in Mezhdurechensk.

    Furthermore, the company actively supports the development of educational and cultural institutions. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the KuzSTU branch in Mezhdurechensk, the company donated a computer classroom. In SibSIU, the company helped to equip the laboratory “Electrical Supply of Mining Production”. In Myski, the company helped to renovate School No. 4 and the assembly hall of School No. 5. The company also donated digital equipment to the Miners' Museum located in Novokuznetsk's Vector House of Creativity. Additionally, the company supported the Raspadsky Palace of Culture in the purchase and installation of a modern ventilation system.

    Moreover, the LLC New Mining Management Company is a patron of several healthcare institutions in the Kemerovo Region, including the Regional Clinical Centre for Miners' Health Protection. The company purchased vehicles for medical institutions in Novokuznetsk, Myski and Mezhdurechensk to ensure efficient and prompt work in the fight against the pandemic.