• Company Winter Sports Games of LLC NMMC

    Every year in February, according to a good tradition, a winter sports competition is held among the enterprises of LLC NMMC. Competitions are held in snowboarding, alpine and cross-country skiing. The results of the competitions are summarised both between teams and in individual competitions.

    Employees of LLC NMMC are in favour of healthy and active lifestyle!

  • Company Summer Sports Games of LLC NMMC

    The Company Summer Sports Games have been organised by the enterprises of LLC NMMC since 2014. This wonderful sports festival is traditionally held in Mezhdurechensk, which is considered the greenest city in Kuzbass.

    Employees of Mezhdurechye, Bolshevik Mine, Antonovskaya Mine, Antonovskaya and Mezhdurechenskaya refineries compete in strength, speed and agility.

    Children can take part as well. There are youth sports games for them. Also known as "Fun Starts".

  • Football Competitions

    Employees of LLC New Mining Management Company do sports all year round. One of the most popular sports is football. Traditionally, a mini football tournament for the LLC NMMC Cup is held in December. This colourful sports festival brings together true fans of an active lifestyle!